Anti-Bowyer demo planned for Saturday

Last updated : 09 January 2003 By Martyn Elliott

Community leaders and Asian supporters have been highly critical of the deal in light of the player’s off field reputation.

Thursday’s Independent contains the following pasage:

"It is a deal which will polarise football fans and increase tension," said Suresh Grover, of the National Civil Rights Movement. "It will lead to an increase in racial abuse." Letters have been sent to West Ham's chairman, Terence Brown, and to the various bodies which help to fund the club's work in the community protesting at the signing.

A civil rights demonstration is being considered before Bowyer's debut for West Ham against Newcastle United on Saturday, although it is feared such a move may simply inflame the situation.

The area around Upton Park has a predominantly Asian community and unfortunately has been the scene of racial confrontations in recent years.

So if the anti-Bowyer demonstration does go ahead you might be well advised to stay well away from it for your own safety.