Show Your Face Ashley Supporters

Last updated : 08 January 2013 By Footy Mad - Editor


mast - Pro Ashley supporters. Where have they gone?
There were a lot of fans on here very pro Ashley to the extent anyone who didn't like his policies were shouted down as doom and gloomers.


Last season we were doing well so there were remarks like the doom and gloomers have faded into the woodwork. Is it their turn now to fade away?

We even now have threads to out Pardew, Ashley, and even stay away from matches.

I have no answers to this dilemma as Ashley will carry on with these policies until he has made his money back. He cares nothing for the team, and even less for its supporters as his only love in life is cash.

It makes know difference to him if we do well or badly he still has fans that fill the stadium every week and if he does take us down again that will not change.

Again there will be fans that will have a go at what I have wrote but after supporting the club for the last 60 years through good and bad times I think it gives me the right to voice my opinion on the management of this once great club and it hurts me to say but I find myself not travelling to away matches anymore, not going to all home matches and even turning televised matches off when we are playing so bad.

Gothalamide - I guess I'm possibly slightly more pro than anti Ashley, but I think most probably feel like me that the policies are good, but that something went wrong last summer which left us short, which has been compounded by injuries.


I think (certainly from my point of view) that NUFC needs to invest at least what they were planning to spend last summer.

I think they tried to hide the lack of investment by claiming "we only need 11 purples", but you can see how the tone is now recognizing we need more than that.

They should have plenty of cash to spend so Ashley can stick by his policies and still invest, as it shouldn't affect the club finances too much.

I think I calculated the other day that based on the players we tried to sign in the summer, as should have had about £20 mill to spend. Plus £3.5 mill from Ba gives them plenty of cash with which to bring in a quality CB and a quality FW...

toonfalifekevbrown - The club needs to bring in new players and it needs to happen fast .and i hope they learnt a lesson on running a football club in the summer .

Nuro - It is funny how all the people who said we had a good window keeping our players or we have a good enough squad for top 8, some even said top 4, have all changed their tune.

I remember get a dressing down for saying we were stupid not to invest and it sends the wrong messages to players.

FCX - Even SAF acknowledges the fact that the fans ambition and the chairman's ambition is a total mismatch. We are not getting what the club deserves especially with the support it has.

smokietoon - I would still rather have Ashley's policies than not. Something has went wrong whether it be player motivation, injuries, suspension, not bringing in players to cover injuries and many more.

We were all happy when we were bringing in players that were spot on and cheap, and were worth 2 or 3 times their value after a few games. Now it's different, we have struggled, there's not as much media praise and we think as have a sh1te system, sh1te players and a sh1te manager. I think Anita has been good of late, and started to show why Ajax wanted to keep him. Marvs who was written off by many is looking very good.

In short, I think well be ok with a few additions, I don't think splashing out daft money on players that don't want to be there works. QPR are a good example. ComplainQuoteReply 

3hourswasted - I'm still a pretty big Ashley Supporter. Every mistake the man has made he has learned from it an corrected it, and the club is in such better shape than it was before he came here.

I think the problems in the summer were a result from 2 things:

1) Overvaluing the young talent we have at the club
2) Undervaluing the tole the extra European matches would have on our squad.

I also think there was a little bit of ego lingering from last years campaign as well.

I completely expect him to spend some money in this window to correct those mistakes. ComplainQuoteReply